Tuesday, March 25, 2008

R&B and Soul

R & B and Soul music

My favorite American musician is Stevie Wonder. He is African-American, and he is a blind. Actually although he is just blind, his music is such that nobody can copy his talent. Some of his songs were made for his daughter and family, and when he sings the song, everyone may be able to feel love in his song. I heard his song from MTV first. Maybe song title is “Lately” and “Isn’t she lovely”. At that time some blind African-American’s singing let me feel fullness of spirit in his song. That feeling was different from any other musician. After that I was interested in R & B and Soul music. Honestly, it was too difficult to understand whole lyrics, so I just felt the rhythm and mood of song. However, it was enough to feel his emotion while he singing. I still like him and his song, and lots of new artists may try to follow his style to make a better song. He might be just blind, but his song makes a lot of people able to see many different worlds in his song. So, that is why I like him and his song.


Anna said...

Could you please write out your whole name when you post?
Also, I love the way you wrote this. Very inspiring.